
It’s nice to meet you.

Sam & Donna Smith

Facebook & Instagram @theyarnsmithus

The YarnSmith “Sharing our Passion - One Skein at a time”

The YarnSmith has been a passion project for many years. We are Sam and Donna Smith: The YarnSmiths. Donna is a fiber artist with thirty plus years of experience. She is self taught: learning to crochet while watching CNN during the Gulf War.

“I needed something to do with my hands while worrying about Sam, so far away”.

Donna is a talented artist specializing in creating shawls, scarves, hats, receiving blankets, and many other fine hand-made family heirloom collectibles. Just ask her many nieces, cousins, grandkids and family friends. Sam is a US Army Desert Storm Veteran, and business professional, who likes doing whatever his wife loves.

At the YarnSmith we use The finest fibers and dyes. We love the science, artistry and patience it takes in producing Indie hand dyed yarns. We hope you enjoy our yarn and would love to see your ideas come to life.

We have been married for over 38 years and have three beautiful daughters in Jessica, Abby and Zoe.

We are also so proud of our future creators (& grandchildren) Emily, Mason, Delilah and Hudson.

** UPDATE **

Back to our roots! Western PA is our home and we are glad to be back.

"Yarn Dyed in the foothills of the Allegheny Mountains

In a ball of yarn is the potential to make a dream come true.

Melanie Falick